ECCA 2021 will be a virtual event, combining a series of webinars on critical climate adaptation challenges in May and June 2021, ramping up the key policy messages of the webinars into a high-level conference on 22 June 2021, which will be hosted by the European Commission as a stand-alone event with high-visibility within the R&I Days conference in Brussels.
The goal of ECCA 2021 is to inspire adaptation action by showcasing solutions, exchanging knowledge, creating connections and dialogue with a broad set of policy makers on how to act more and faster at every relevant governance level.
Details of CASCADES’ webinar ‘360° view of climate impacts: experiencing the future to plan adaptation’
Over the past 30 years, climate impact science has painted a more complete picture of how natural and human systems are already affected by climate change and how they are projected to further change with ongoing warming. However, in many cases, climate impacts are considered in isolation and integration across different types of impacts in different sectors, such as agriculture, water, biodiversity, trade or transportation is lacking. Likewise, impacts are usually considered at the place where they occur even though there is mounting evidence that impacts can transcend boundaries (e.g. through trade or migration) and trigger effects in distant locations.
In this session, we present the latest climate impact science that considers climate impacts as interconnected, co-occurring, cross-border changes in the innovative format of a policy simulation. Participants in the simulation game will be confronted with a scenario of dramatic events caused by the climate crisis in regions surrounding Europe. These events can lead to severe consequences for the EU and the rest of the world. The participants will be working on propositions of actions to counteract the crises that can emerge from transboundary climate impacts.
Dr. Hanne Knaepen (ECDPM) will co-organise the session ‘360° view of climate impacts: experiencing the future to plan adaptation’ along with Dr. Christopher Reyer (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research), Lukasz Jarzabek (Centre for Systems Solutions), Piotr Magnuszewski (Centre for Systems Solutions), Inga Menke (Climate Analytics) and Barbara Willaarts (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis).
Registration for this event will open soon.