This panel will look at the new EU adaptation strategy (2021) that underlines the need to better link the internal and external dimensions of adaptation with partner countries, particularly in Africa. The panellists will discuss how this can be done by looking at 3 overarching themes: science and data generation; governance and policy design; policy implementation and concrete projects on the ground.
This event is co-hosted by CASCADES, alongside the French Development Agency (AFD), UNDP, the NAP Global Network and the European Climate Change Adaptation Conference (ECCA2021). The latter ECCA2021 was co-organised by the European Commission, JPI Climate, SINCERE, RECEIPT and CASCADES.
This is a hybrid event, which will accessible online, while also taking place at the EU Pavilion at COP26.
The event will also be streamed via Chatham House’s Climate Risk and Security Pavilion. To register:
Time 17:30 (Glasgow), 18:30 (Brussels)
- Introductory remarks by Carla Montesi, Director, DG INTPA, EC and Frank McGovern, Director JPI Climate
Short interventions by :
- Hanne Knaepen, CASCADES/ECDPM
- Katy Harris, CASCADES/SEI
- Estherine Fotabong, AU NEPAD
- Christophe Buffet, AfD
- Q&A discussion
This event will be moderated by Sally Stevens, Institute for Environmental Analytics
For all questions regarding this event, please contact Hanne Knaepen (