- The first thematic and core workshops planned for the 1st and 2nd of April had to be cancelled, but thanks to a truly great effort from all partners involved a virtual simulation game/workshop could still take place on those days and additional interviews will take place as well.
- The project coordinators of RECEIPT and CASCADES intend to produce a policy brief together, to draw some parallels from the pandemic to other topics such as climate change; for example in terms of policy responses.
- Each Work Package gave a short status update and all were on track with their Milestones and Deliverables. Some organisational and ethical issues were discussed by WP1 and WP8, the Conceptual Framework was presented by WP2 and well received by the consoritum; WP3 and WP2 will discuss a common understanding for reference scenarios and harmonization across CASCADES Work Packages, WP4 is fully focussed on the stakeholder engagement and workshop alternatives and are setting up the case studies outside of Europe and WP5 is engaged in networking activities; establishing contacts with important players in the public and private financial field. WP6 has started taking steps towards a Governance Framework and WP7 took the consortium through the corporate design, website design and social media.
- In the afternoon, several break out groups took place, organised by the Work Package leads, e.g. on data, final workshop preparation etc.