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Raw Materials Challenge


Published on 24 July 2023

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Depending on the pace of the energy transition, the current demand for critical minerals may quadruple by 2040, if the goals of the Paris Agreement are to be met. However, more ambitious climate policies may cause the demand to grow even sixfold.

The success of such ambitious policies and of the transition towards a clean economy strictly depends on the availability and affordability of critical minerals.

Critical minerals supply and value chains are vulnerable to disruption, the effects of which can cascade into the EU and create multiple and serious risks for its green technology industry. 

The following question arises:

How can we ensure a robust and responsible critical minerals supply chain in light of cascading impacts of climate change that originate within and outside the EU?

The Raw Materials Challenge simulation explores this question, with some initial narratives available online through the interactive module.

Learn more about this policy simulation on the Raw Materials Challenge website